Armed Garbage Truck Driver Fatally Shoots Robber

Chicago, IL – A garbage truck driver got into a shootout with two armed robbers in front of a school early Friday morning.

The 28-year-old garbage truck driver turned the tables on two armed robbers by using his legally carried firearm. The driver was ambushed in an alley by two assailants, who intended to rob him.

The driver, who had a valid concealed carry license (CCL), responded to the threat by drawing his gun and engaging in a shootout. One of the robbers, aged 42, was fatally shot in the head, while his 20-year-old accomplice was in critical condition after being hit in the neck. The driver himself escaped the gunfire unharmed, but they treated him for chest pains at St. Anthony Hospital, where he was reported to be in good condition.

These events consistently raise the topic of gun ownership, self-defense, and concealed carry in Chicago, a city known for its strict gun laws. This is a clear example of why individuals should have the right to protect themselves, including while at work.

There have been more criminals shot by people defending themselves than officer-involved shootings in Chicago in the past year.

In Illinois, you have to have a FOID card just to possess ammunition and a CCL license to carry a gun, which the driver had, but I’m sure the criminals didn’t care about following the law. Illinois law allows for the use of deadly force in self-defense when one reasonably believes they are in immediate danger of death or severe harm.

This story has quickly spread across social media platforms like X, with many expressing support for the driver’s quick thinking and bravery.

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Brian Armstrong Journalist
Brian Armstrong grew up in a small farm town in rural Indiana and learned to shoot before he learned to drive. His career began in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where he worked as a firefighter and a medic before moving to Chicago. Throughout the years, he has owned multiple businesses, from construction to technology. He is back to his emergency services roots -teaching emergency first aid and firearms courses, along with writing for numerous publications. He believes the best way to learn "HOW" to do something is first to answer "WHY" you do something. He is your average guy with views like yours. Now, he's sharing the knowledge he's gained from teaching, learning from others, and researching topics you don't have time to explore. His feeling about staying safe is "The best way to win a fight is not to get into a fight!" He is always looking for new ideas. If you have a topic, current news you would like covered, or a publication looking for content, please reach out and let him know. You can follow him @LetsTalkDGU and #LetsTalkDGU


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