Continued Violence at Chicago’s Beaches

Chicago beach shooting

These gunshots occurred right after a group of us left the docks, and it’s a growing trend at a typically peaceful Chicago beach. Chicago’s mayor, Johnson, has blamed the violence on Nixon, and many people say the new variable here is the Venezuelan “migrants” who have arrived in the past year.

On Sunday evening, four people suffered stab wounds within hours because of this incident and another one. A few weeks ago, fights broke out, and they shot a man in the parking lot.

All groups, including Hispanics, have enjoyed this beach for years, and there have rarely been issues until recently.

A retired suburban police chief, Thomas Weitzel, said, “Can we all agree that the mayor’s summer safety plan was purely for political reasons? It’s harmful. How long can police leadership continue to support this?”

Before, Mayor Johnson blamed the violence on Nixon he said it was the former mayor’s fault.

Self-defense shootings are up this year in Chicago, and it’s clear that CCL holders are not the ones breaking the law.

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Brian Armstrong Journalist
Brian Armstrong grew up in a small farm town in rural Indiana and learned to shoot before he learned to drive. His career began in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where he worked as a firefighter and a medic before moving to Chicago. Throughout the years, he has owned multiple businesses, from construction to technology. He is back to his emergency services roots -teaching emergency first aid and firearms courses, along with writing for numerous publications. He believes the best way to learn "HOW" to do something is first to answer "WHY" you do something. He is your average guy with views like yours. Now, he's sharing the knowledge he's gained from teaching, learning from others, and researching topics you don't have time to explore. His feeling about staying safe is "The best way to win a fight is not to get into a fight!" He is always looking for new ideas. If you have a topic, current news you would like covered, or a publication looking for content, please reach out and let him know. You can follow him @LetsTalkDGU and #LetsTalkDGU


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