Chicago Adds 2 More CCL Incidents to This Years List

Chicago CLL Shooting

One victim exchanged gunfire, and the other took off to fight another day during two separate CCL incidents in the past few days.

CWBChicago said Monday that a car approached a 33-year-old man. Three armed individuals got out of their vehicle, and the victim fled. With three-to-one odds, it was probably his best bet.

“The gunmen began shooting at the victim, but he escaped injury. His car was recovered at the scene, albeit with a flat tire. An individual familiar with the situation told CWBChicago that the victim is a concealed carry holder. He had his weapon at the time of the incident but decided to run rather than stop and try to return fire at two gunmen.”

Attackers seriously injured another man in a gunfight when gunmen approached him in Chicago’s Lawndale area on Sunday night.

The 31-year-old victim was heading home from work when two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun, approached him on the sidewalk at around 10:00 p.m.

According to authorities, the victim, who is a concealed carry license (CCL) holder, also pulled out a gun, and they exchanged shots.

The victim suffered gunshot wounds to the stomach and buttocks as the suspect fled. When the police arrived, they took him to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was in critical condition. Police recovered a gun, but no one was arrested.

The list of concealed carry license (CCL) holders using a firearm in self-defense this year in Chicago continues to climb.

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Brian Armstrong Journalist
Brian Armstrong grew up in a small farm town in rural Indiana and learned to shoot before he learned to drive. His career began in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where he worked as a firefighter and a medic before moving to Chicago. Throughout the years, he has owned multiple businesses, from construction to technology. He is back to his emergency services roots -teaching emergency first aid and firearms courses, along with writing for numerous publications. He believes the best way to learn "HOW" to do something is first to answer "WHY" you do something. He is your average guy with views like yours. Now, he's sharing the knowledge he's gained from teaching, learning from others, and researching topics you don't have time to explore. His feeling about staying safe is "The best way to win a fight is not to get into a fight!" He is always looking for new ideas. If you have a topic, current news you would like covered, or a publication looking for content, please reach out and let him know. You can follow him @LetsTalkDGU and #LetsTalkDGU


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