You Are Your Own First Responder

Your Own First Responder

I founded my company with some very basic principles: If you are going to have a gun, you need to be able to use it safely! You need to know when and where you can use it if you have to. And most of all, you must respect it because it is a deadly weapon!

You Are Your Own First Responder

In the hands of an untrained person, a gun becomes more deadly because of accidents. In the hands of a trained person, it can become a life-saving tool. The average police response time, according to FBI data, is eight to twenty minutes before the police will even arrive.

For example, we could use the recent mass shooting in the Allen Texas Mall north of Dallas. A police officer working an unrelated call was already on the scene at Allen Mall. The suspect opened fire at 3:34 PM, but the first officer could not find or engage the suspect until 3:40 PM! I commend his brave actions, but six minutes under fire is a long time to wait for help to arrive! He was on scene and did not hesitate, but it still took a few minutes for him to stop the threat.

“This video shows how quickly a routine interaction with the public turned into a life-and-death situation,” said Allen Police Chief Brian Harvey. “The officer recognized the danger, ran toward the gunfire, and neutralized the threat – and for his actions, the Allen community is forever grateful.”

Soft Targets

Our world has become disheartening, with “soft targets” being present everywhere in public, leaving us more vulnerable to this risk. I am not saying we need to be paranoid, but we need to be more aware of our surroundings, especially in public. Homeland Security created a series of videos called “Run, Hide, Fight” concerning workplace attacks, but anyone can apply them anywhere. Carry “Pepper Spray,” a “Pocketknife,” or a “Gun.” Anything is better than nothing!

For those who abdicated, removing all “firearms,” many of the recent mass incidents of loss of life did not require the person(s) to use a “firearm.” Anyone who has undergone any law enforcement or military training will verify that if a person(s) is willing to trade their life for yours, only your self-defense actions can stop them, nothing else!

Get Training and Practice

If you are going to own a “firearm,” get some professional training and practice! Just because you have shot a “firearm” doesn’t mean you can use it well or will be able to in extreme life or death situations.

The Navy Seals have a saying: “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast,” meaning that if you practice, it becomes second nature. If you own a “firearm” for self-protection, practice with it as if it will save your life because one day it just might! On our challenge coin, which we give to our Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) and CCW renewal students, is a saying,

“I train not to be a hero, but I refuse to be a victim.”


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